
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2018
Payera- The Future of Payment System Unraveled A famous adage says, “Neccesity is the Mother of All Inventions.” One of the human’s innate characteristic is that he continues to develop something new and innovative and sometimes out of this world or very futuristic so that he will be able to quench his thirst for perfection and improvements. When I was a kid I have believed that PERA (money) is the most important thing in the world, now that I am old, I know that it is. With “Pera” you can turn a simple and dimming light into a star, a star which you could use to illumen your love ones path and yours to a lucrative future, and be a great help into the society. But ofcourse there has to be changes that needs to take effect immediately because the world is progressing and we need to hop into it. Coins and paper money are now and sooner becoming part of the history. In the new reality, currency will consist of only digital series of letters and numbers, or what ...


Bolttcoin investit dans l'avenir du monde crypto Qu'est-ce qu'une pièce Boltt? est une plate-forme en ligne pour la protection sociale, basée sur des relations de blocs, qui visera à créer une communauté virtuelle d'acteurs du secteur de la santé. En outre, la plate-forme fournira des dispositifs techniques portables pour le marché des soins de santé afin d'utiliser et de stimuler les utilisateurs qui veulent rester en forme et, en retour, recevoir une récompense pour cela. En fait, BolltCoin travaillera à motiver les gens de manière à stimuler la croissance de la santé Un projet distribué avec une valeur précieuse pour les investisseurs et les investisseurs potentiels est l'un des projets les plus dynamiques en raison des fluctuations dans les fluctuations des actifs numériques plus tôt cette année montrant une augmentation énorme. Ça. Définition Ce réseau utilise un thème unique à partir d'une autre plate-forme de chaîne de blocs dans...


Vignette My dear reader.  I want to introduce you to something promising.  And I will be sure in the future as a great success of the project.  Online marketing is currently one of the most basic ways to run an advertising campaign.  It is a very profitable business because it requires minimal cost, labor and money.  In 2017, UCT World Corporation was named one of the fastest growing Google top ten companies thanks to the BiNeuro system.  Our company has developed and used the internal version BiNeuro since 2009.  BiNeuro demonstrates that your client's ad campaigns can steadily raise campaign performance by more than 50%.  BiNeuro is an artificial intelligence system based on data science technologies such as machine learning (neural network), large data, single spectrum analysis (SSA), fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms.  Created by UTC World Corporation, BiNeuro is a new ecosystem designed for nerve a...