ICO TrustLogics - Blockchain for reliable and secure professional data! Rules of Participation in the Bounty

In a market with high complexity and competitiveness, in the labor market, TrustLogics is the missing link that not only bridges the gap between job seekers and potential employers, but also builds a platform for testing and creating a reputation for both: professionals and independent service providers ISP). To facilitate this workload, TrustLogics with its patented platform takes a step further and directed

to create a blocking application and create a global information gateway for workforce data where a user can check his personal and professional information, store it on a platform and safely exchange access to his data with any user or application. Using Hyperledger Fabric, Ethereum smart contracts, data encryption and the ERC20 standard TrustLogics tokens are aimed at making a modern $ 42.5 billion as perceived by ISPs. We strive to be a universal solution for recruiters, both active and passive, job seekers, and Internet service providers, providing a platform for:
Request for confirmation
Creating Reputation
Access and verification of verified data
Referral Direction
These records will be easily accessible to users who can share them with the following employers or recruitment agencies with user-controlled permissions. This will not only help specialists and Internet providers get more visibility and attract potential employers, but also decide on the decision of the employer.
Bounty program - 3% (6 million TLT tokens).
Join the TELEGRAM GROUP to be eligible for any Bounty award.
All payments will be paid directly to the eligible purses at the end of the main phase of the ICO.
Period: May 30, 2018 - September 25, 2018.
Distribution of rewards:
Social networks - 20% (1 200 000 tokens):
Twitter - 9%;
Facebook - 9%;
Instagram - 2%. 
Translation - Whitepaper and ANN Thread - 20% (1 200 000 tokens);
Creative work - blog, video, article, banner, any other creative thing -25% (150,000 tokens);
Bitcointalk, telegrams and photography -20% (1,200,000 tokens);
Private bonuses -15% (900,000 tokens).
Jr Member: 15 bets per week; 
Participant: 20 bets per week; 
Full Member: 30 rates per week; 
Sr Member: 50 rates per week; 
Hero and Legendary: 80 bets per week. 
Full Member and Up will be rewarded with 5 rates for wearing an avatar.
Keep the signature until the end of the campaign. 
You must make at least 10 messages a week. 
The length of the publication is at least 75 characters.
Translation and moderation:
Translation of the white book - 400 bets; 
ANN thread translation - 40 rates. The translator must support the flow in the translation of official announcements, news, messages.   
Translation of Bounty thread - 40 bets. 
Moderation: 5 bets for each post (only OP). 
Beginners who do not have experience in translation are not accepted. 
Using Google Translate or other online translators is prohibited. 
To reserve a language, post your interest with some of your previous translations. 
5 bids per week.
Join the official Facebook page.
A Facebook account must have at least 200 friends.
You must be an active user of 2 posts, 3 reposts per week.
The member profile must be public and active.
Always edit the old report messages to send a new report. 
5 bids per week.
Join the official Twitter page .
Each participant must publish 2 tweets, 3 retweets per week.
Your Twitter account has a minimum of 200 subscribers.
Blog and Media:
Exceptional quality - 300 rates; 
High quality - 150 rates; 
Normal quality - 40 bets.
Your content must be original, published online and available to all. 
Article / review / blog post should have 2 links to the company website and technical document, a link to your own Bitcointalk profile at the bottom of the article as proof of your authorship. 
Articles must contain at least 500 characters.
Video must last at least 30 seconds. 
Articles and videos of poor quality are not accepted.
Article and video must be genuine. 
Encouraging and innovative ideas will be appreciated.  
5 bids per week.
Join the official Instagram page .
Your Instagram account has a minimum of 100 subscribers. 
 5 messages per week. 
ICO TrustLogics  ANN thread
Our profile on BitCoinTalk (nickname iTuber):  https://goo.gl/kLH7vF 
Our telegram channel with a list of bounty ICO projects: https://goo.gl/t1prrU
iTuber Crypto News: https://t.me/itubernews
iTuber Website: https://ituber.me
 YouTube Channel RU: https://goo.gl/prpjNR
 YouTube Channel EN: https://goo.gl/lsz7Gl
✅ Training on crypto-currencies: https://goo.gl/PQY448
✅ Investing ICO Folds: https://goo.gl/WZkVev
✅ Additional services: https://goo.gl/xXH1fb
✅ News on crypto-currencies bitcoin and ICO: https://t.me/itubernews
✅ Analysis of the best ICO projects: https://t.me/gold_ico   
USERNAME : danangsemprul


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